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The morning began with temperatures below 40 degrees and high winds, but the sun was shining and 127 hearty golfers came to support Eastern Christian School. By the time of the shotgun start, temps had climbed, winds had calmed (just a bit) and spirits were high. It was a fabulous outing!
This year we welcomed 31 additional golfers and were delighted to provide beautiful 2016 EC Golf Outing golf shirts to each player. We also welcomed a number of new sponsors. Thanks to the increased number of players and our sponsors, our net profit to Eastern Christian School rose by more than 25% to a record $45,000.00.
We are thankful for each of our golfers, but would like to recognize a few of the outstanding foursomes and individuals:
Bill Soodsma / Roger Steiginga / Jeff De Korne / Greg Hagedoorn (62)*
Marcus Vander Wall / Brian Okken / Tom Randel / Mike (62)*
Team Shepperd (63)*
*Tie break determined by lowest score on hardest handicap hole
Longest Drive #6: Tim Boonstra
Closest to the Line #9: Rick Martin
Closest to the Pin #5: Ken Steenstra (7’-1”)
Closest to the Pin #11: Jeremy Mulder (14’-5”)